UUP's Mission Statement
The purpose of this organization shall be to improve the terms and conditions of employment of those it represents; to promote mutual assistance and operation among the members of this organization; to advance education in a democracy and democracy in education; to promote the principle of unity and collective bargaining in higher education; and to defend the civil, professional, and human rights of those it represents.
Syracuse Chapter Bylaws
The primary purpose of the Upstate Medical University Chapter shall be to monitor local compliance with the Agreement between New York State and UUP. The chapter's additional purpose shall be to promote the purposes of the United University Professions as found in Article II of the UUP Constitution, as those provisions apply to the Upstate Medical University.
This is the agreement made by and between the Executive Branch of the State of New York and United University Professions. The State, pursuant to the certification of the Public Employment Relations Board, recognizes UUP as the exclusive representative for collective negotiations with respect to salaries, wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment of employees serving in positions in the State University Professional Services Negotiating Unit.
For the lastest on the contract negotiations, visit UUP statewide.
Committee Membership
College Review Panel
Committee on Professional Evaluation
Assembly Education Committee
Assembly Higher Ed Committee
Assembly Mental Health Committee
Assembly Health Committee
Discretionary Award Recommendations for Academics
a. Mastery of Subject Matter: As demonstrated by such things as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, awards and reputation in the subject matter field.
b. Effectiveness in Teaching: As demonstrated by such things as judgement of colleagues, development of teaching materials or new courses and student reaction, as determined from surveys, interviews and classroom observation.
c. Scholarly Ability: As demonstrated by such things as success in developing and carrying out significant research work in the subject matter field, contribution to the arts, publications and reputation among colleagues.
d. Continuing Growth: As demonstrated by such things as reading, research or other activities to keep abreast of current developments in their fields and being able to handle successfully increased responsibility.
e. Overall Effectiveness: As demonstrated by relationships with colleagues, patients, clients, etc. and by activities within the department/unit which reflect cooperation, sensitivity and leadership.
As demonstrated by such things as salary inequities for comparable duties and responsibilities within as well as among the awarding units and comparable institutions, and discrimination of any kind based on sex or sexual preference, race, color, creed, or national origin.
As demonstrated by such things as college and University public service, committee work, administrative work and work with students or community in addition to formal teacher-student relationships.
Discretionary Award Recommendations for Professionals
a. Effectiveness of Performance: As demonstrated, for example, by success in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities, efficiency, productivity, and relationship with colleagues.
b. Mastery of Specialization: As demonstrated, for example, by degrees, licenses, honors, awards, and reputation in professional field.
c. Professional Ability: As demonstrated, for example, by invention or innovation in professional, scientific, administrative, or technical areas; i.e., development of refinement of programs, methods, procedures, or apparatus.
d. Continuing Growth: As demonstrated, for example, by continuing education, participation in professional organizations, enrollment in training programs, research, improved job performance and increased duties and responsibilities
e. Overall Effectiveness: As demonstrated, for example, by relationships with colleagues, patients, clients, etc. and by activities within the department which reflect cooperation, sensitivity and leadership.
As demonstrated, for example, by such things as salary inequities for comparable duties and responsibilities within as well as among the awarding units and comparable institutions, and discrimination of any kind based on sex or sexual preference, race, color, creed, or national origin.
As demonstrated, for example, by such things as College and University public service, committee work, and involvement in College or University related student or community activities
List of Discretionary Salary Increase Recipients